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1991 Canada & Provinces Population (%) Change since/de 1986

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Stats showing the chnage in population in Canada as a whole and individual provinces.
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Canada & Provinces 1991 Population

(%) Change since/de 1986 ------------------------------------------------------------

Newfoundland (T-N) 568 474 (2.1%) +125 (0.0%)

Nova Scotia (N-E) 899 942 (3.3%) +26 766 (3.1%)

PEI (IP-E) 129 765 (0.5%) +3 119 (2.5%)

New Brunswick (NB) 723 900 (2.7%) +14 458 (2.0%)

Quebec 6 895 963 (25.3%) +363 502 (5.6%)

Ontario 10 084 885 (36.9%) +983 191 (10.8%)

Manitoba 1 091 942 (4.0%) +28 926 (2.7%)

Saskatchewan 988 928 (3.6%) -20 685 (-2.0%)

Alberta 2 545 553 (9.3%) +179 728 (7.6%)

BC (C-B) 282 061 (12.0%) +398 694 (13.8%)

NWT (TN-O) 57 649 (0.2%) +5 411 (10.4%)

Yukon 27 797 (0.1%) +4 293 (18.3%) ------------------------------------------------------------

Province/Territory Population in 1986 Population in 1991 % Change
Canada 26,417,000 28,147,000 6.54%
Newfoundland 568,000 568,000 0.00%
Prince Edward Island 129,000 129,000 0.00%
Nova Scotia 902,000 909,000 0.78%
New Brunswick 724,000 738,000 1.93%
Quebec 6,656,000 6,895,000 3.59%
Ontario 9,818,000 10,084,000 2.71%
Manitoba 1,071,000 1,112,000 3.83%
Saskatchewan 1,010,000 1,049,000 3.86%
Alberta 2,461,000 2,682,000 8.97%
British Columbia 3,024,000 3,282,000 8.53%
Yukon 25,000 28,000 12.00%
Northwest Territories 43,000 49,000 13.95%
Nunavut n/a 21,000 n/a


CANADA 27 296 859 (100%) +1 987 528 (7.9%) Source: StatsCan

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