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1995 The Legislatures of Canada Les Législatures du Canada

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The composition of the 1995 Canadian Parliament
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Parliament of Canada / Parlement du Canada

House of Commons / Chambre des communes

Bloc Quebecois

(L'hon. Lucien Bouchard, chef de l'opposition)

(53 sieges a la chambre des communes)

Liberal Party / Parti Liberal

(Le tres hon. Jean Chretien, premier ministre)

(177 sieges a la chambre des communes)

New Democratic Party / Nouveau Parti Democratique

(Audrey McLaughlin, MP, leader)

(9 seats in the House of Commons)

Progressive Convervative Party / Parti progressiste-conservateur

(L'hon. Jean Charest, depute, chef)

(2 sieges a la chambre des communes)

Reform Party / Parti reformiste

(Preston Manning, MP, leader)

(52 seats in the House of Commons)

Independent members / Deputes independents

(2 seats / 2 sieges)

Election: 1993-10-25

Senate / Senat

Progressive Convervative Party / Parti progressiste-conservateur

(52 seats / 52 sieges)

Liberal Party / Parti Liberal

(47 seats / 47 sieges)

Independent members / Deputes independents

(3 seats / 3 sieges)

Vacancies / Sieges vides

(2 seats / 2 sieges)

Newfoundland and Labrador

House of Assembly

Liberal Party

(Hon. Clyde Wells, Premier)

(32 seats in the House of Assembly)

New Democratic Party

(1 seat in the House of Assembly)

Progressive Conservative Party

( Lynn Verge, MHA, Leader of the Opposition)

(17 seats in the House of Assembly)

Speaker (1 seat)

Independent members

(1 seat)

Nova Scotia

Legislative Assembly

Liberal Party

(Hon. John Savage, Premier)

(41 seats in the Legislative Assembly)

New Democratic Party

(John Holm, MLA, Interim Leader)

(3 seats in the Legislative Assembly)

Progressive Conservative Party

(Terence Donahoe, MLA, Leader of the Official Opposition)

(8 seats in the Legislative Assembly)

Prince Edward Island

Legislative Assembly

Liberal Party

(Hon. Catherine Callbeck, Premier)

(31 seats in Legislative Assembly)

Progressive Conservative Party

(Hon. Pat Mella, Assemblyman, Leader of the Official Opposition)

(1 seat in Legislative Assembly)

New Democratic Party

(Dr. Herb Dickieson, Leader)

(0 seats in Legislative Assembly)

Election: 1993-04

New Brunswick / Nouveau-Brunswick

Legislative Assembly / Assemblee legislative

Election: called for 1995-09-11

Confederations of Regions Party

(4 seats in the outgoing Legislative Assembly)

Liberal Party / Parti Liberal

(Frank McKenna, Premier)

(43 seats in the outgoing Legislative Assembly)

New Democratic Party / Nouveau parti democratique

(Elizabeth Weir, MLA, leader)

(3? seats in the outgoing Legislative Assembly)

Progressive Convervative Party / Parti progressiste-conservateur

(Bernard Valcourt, chef)

(6 sieges a l'Assemblee legislative ancienne)

Independent members

(2 seatss in the outgoing Provincial Parliament)

Election: called for 1995-09-11


Assemblee nationale

Action democratique du Quebec

(Mario Dumont, MAN, chef)

(1 siege a l'Assemblee nationale)

Parti quebecois

(L'hon. Jacques Parizeau, MAN, premier ministre)

(77 sieges a l'Assemblee nationale)

Parti liberal du Quebec

(L'hon. Daniel Johnson, MAN, chef de l'opposition officielle)

(47 sieges a l'Assemblee nationale)

Election: 1994-09


Provincial Parliament

Liberal Party

(Lyn McLeod, Leader of the Opposition)

(30 seats in new Provincial Parliament)

New Democratic Party

(Hon. Bob Rae)

(17 seats in new Provincial Parliament)

Progressive Conservative Party

(Mike Harris, MPP, Premier)

(82 seats in new Provincial Parliament)

Independent members

(1 seat in new Provincial Parliament)

Election: 1995-06-08


Legislative Assembly

Liberal Party

(3 seats in the new legislature)

New Democratic Party

(Gary Doer, Leader of the Official Opposition)

(19 seats in the new legislature)

Progressive Conservative Party

(Hon. Gary Filmon, Premier)

(31 seats in the new legislature)

Election: 1995-04-25


Legislative Assembly

New Democratic Party

(Hon. Roy Romanow, Premier)

Liberal Party

(Linda Haverstock, leader)

Progressive Conservative Party

(Bill Boyd, leader)

Election: 1995-06-21


Legislative Assembly

New Democratic Party

(Ross Harvey, leader)

Progressive Conservative Party

(Hon. Ralph Klein, Premier)

Liberal Party

(Grant Mitchell, Leader of the Official Opposition)

Election: Spring 1993

British Columbia

Legislative Assembly

Liberal Party

(Gordon Campbell, Leader of the Opposition)

(14 seats in the Legislative Assembly)

New Democratic Party

(Hon. Mike Harcourt, Premier)

(50 seats in the Legislative Assembly)

Progressive Democratic Alliance

(2 seats in the Legislative Assembly)

Reform Party of British Columbia

(4 seats in the Legislative Assembly)

Social Credit Party

(1 seat in the Legislative Assembly)

Independent members

(3 seats in the Legislative Assembly)


(4 seats)

Election: Fall 1991

Northwest Territories / Territoires du Nord-Ouest


The Northwest Territories Legislature is strictly non-partisan.

La legislature des Territoires du Nord-Ouest manque des partis politiques.


Legislative Assembly

Yukon Party

(Hon. John Ostashek, Government Leader)

New Democratic Party

(Tony Penikett, MLA, Leader of the Official Opposition)

Liberal Party

There are three independent members of the Legislative Assembly.

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Source: NAC/ANC, Elgin-Grey Papers

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